Campus Night Report

“For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes:  first to the Jew, then to the Gentile.” Romans 1:16

  • Date: Friday, March 6, 2015
  • Times: 6:30 pm — 9:00 pm
  • Place: Chicago UBF main sanctuary



The Chicago UBF hosted the Campus Night on Friday evening, March 6, 2015. All the members in the vicinity of Chicago participated. Some guests came from far distance such as the St. Georgia UBF, the Montreal UBF, the Milwaukee UBF, the St. Louis UBF, and the Akron UBF.

It is the night to celebrate our dedication and devotion to campus ministry. It is the night to appreciate those who have given their lives to the campus ministry. It is the night to renew our hearts for the campus ministry. There are so many topics on campus ministry. It is impossible to cover every aspects in two hours. We grossly covered three areas: (1) Motivation and necessity of campus ministry, (2) Historical and comparative review of campus ministry and (3) Practical examples by campus workers.

Abraham Kim welcomed everyone who joined the event. He gave thanks to all who supported the event. Jacob Lee explained why we should stay in the campus mission. For example, only 6 percent of world population attend colleges. Yet they shape the world. When we influence them with the word of God, they lead the world with the word of God. Mark Vucekovich gave a lecture on student movement. Throughout history, many students on college met Jesus and participated in world mission. He focused on the student voluntary movement (SVM) in USA. God used SVM to send many college students abroad after graduation. He suffered from back pain. Nonetheless, he got an injection for his back and delivered the lecture overcoming the pain. He remembered Sarah Barry who traveled with him to Korea at the age of 86 on call. Kevin Albright compared several organizations for campus ministry. There are largely two types: parachurch and church-based. Our ministry belong to the latter. He focused on InterVarsity Christian Fellowship (IVCF). During the lecture he urged both high school and college students to be a leader in witnessing Jesus and teaching the Bible.

While he participated in campus ministry Jim Rabchuck won many victories. He shared three surprising victories that he had not anticipated. In every victory he experienced the grace of God. Moses Noh called the three duties as the harmony of life: his duty as a campus minister, his duty as a head of his family and his duty as a professor. Ron Ward shared his prospect: challenges and vision. The direction of our church is crystal clear: campus mission. Yet carrying it out requires lots of wisdom in a big chapter like the Chicago UBF. He addressed two essential elements: (1) community of love and (2) body of Christ. Augustine Sohn shared one prayer topic: evangelization of the world in this generation. It is a quote from the lecture by Mark Vucekovich. All the lectures will be published in the newsletters and posted on the web site.

Charles Kim