North York UBF Report 2014 By Paul Lee

We thank God for leading and blessing our North York UBF in 2014 based on our annual key verse Mark 11:22, “‘Have faith in God,’ Jesus answered.” Looking back on God’s work in 2014, we cannot but praise and thank God for his wonderful works among us, although we often grieved God in our weaknesses and sins. May this report reveal his glory.

First, 2014 Annual Review

I)  World missions:

Sh. Joshua Lee from Deajun UBF Korea visited North York UBF on October 4-6, after serving a message in the Commemoration ceremony of late Dr. Samuel Lee in Chicago to deliver the same message about Dr. Lee’s soldier spirit. Sh. Joshua Lee also served our North York co-workers with two Bible studies. His Bible studies were so profound and encouraging that all our co-workers responded to God’s words and calling again deeply. M. Andrew and Hannah Han and Sh. Louis Perdomo attended the European International summer conference and learned faith deeply and began to serve the work of God with a different spirit. P. Paul Lee attended the CIS international summer conference and was clothed with God’s world mission vision. In 2014, M. Moses & Deborah Noh’s family who had been with us for many years moved to Ottawa with the prayers and blessing of God’s servants.

II)  Bible study:

In 2014 we studied Nehemiah, 1 & 2 Timothy, Galatians, Philippians and Mark’s gospel. Nehemiah taught us how to build up the work of God through fervent prayers and co-working. 1Timothy taught us our identity as messengers of Christ and good fighters of faith and to set a good example for other believers. Through 2 Timothy, we learned that we should be God-approved gospel workers who should correctly handle the word of truth and preach the word in season and out of season. Galatians taught us that there is only one gospel. Through Philippians study, we learned of St. Paul’s life in Christ. We are to live and die for Christ, have the same mindset of Christ and to know Christ’ suffering, death and resurrection. God’s words through all these books have been so rich and deep. We learned how to be Jesus’ people through the studies.

III) Student ministry in UTSC and Seneca College:

God blessed our UTSC team abundantly in 2014. Two missionary families served UTSC through diligent Bible studies. Through their serving, Jessica, Chen, Nicole, Sarah Dinnoo, Sarah Newman, Sarah Zahraei, Mak, Matti Peter, Luka, James, Josh, Gabriella, Sunshyne and Jeanny came to Bible study faithfully. In particular, M. Rebekah served 7-8 one to ones faithfully every week and some students, Jessica, Jeanny, Hannah and Becky joined Saturday UTSC student meeting where they studied the Sunday worship passage and shared their reflections sincerely. They also come to our Sunday worship service faithfully, participating in special song, skit and worship prayer willingly. God also blessed our Seneca college team when six women missionaries went out inviting students to One to One Bible study and men missionaries joined in the evening. God sent new Bible students, Maria, Marcella, Emily, Jessica, Craig who studied the Bible faithfully. Craig joined Friday “Upper Room” meeting and enjoyed group Bible studies.

IV) Spring Retreat:

On March 8-9, we had a spring retreat at Ganaraska Retreat Center. The theme of the retreat was to renew our spiritual foundations with the title, “Foundations” based on Luke 6:43-49. God worked powerfully in the retreat and planted a desire in us to build up our life newly on foundations of faith by learning of God’s words and putting them into practice. Sh. Ernest Chen served a main message based on Luke 6 with a title, “Be a Wise Builder.” We were greatly inspired by his message. Jessica Poirier, Nicole Meeuwenoord, Chen Chen, Jessyca Liang, Alice Liang, Iain Ching from UTSC, Jessica Mendoza, Jon-Marc Hennie, Louis Perdomo from Seneca came to the retreat. Jon-Marc Hennie and Jessica Poirier shared their beautiful life-testimonies. They were called by Jesus Christ and are following Christ faithfully.

V) Southern Ontario Summer Bible conference:

To prepare the conference we focused on one to one Bible studies during the spring and summer seasons. The conference was held on July 4-6 at YMCA Geneva Park in Orillia. The place was so beautiful. The theme of the conference was “Repent and Believe.” Sh. Jemmie Hwang of Toronto UBF delivered a sharp and powerful message based on Luke 19, on Jesus who came to seek and save the lost. At the conference, M. Elijah Kim of North York UBF delivered the closing message based on Acts 28:31, on the importance of effective one to one and house-church ministry. Our students performed a skit based on Luke 19 and all North York members sang special song “Christ is Enough,” which was very moving.  Jessica Poirier shared her graceful life-testimony revealing Jesus’ wonderful work in her life. She invited her roommate Jeanny Yao to the conference where Jeanny was reconnected to God through God’s word and joyfully and wholeheartedly follows Jesus.

VI) September campus fishing and one to one ministry.

UTSC Team co-workers started the September ministry with club booth fishing during the 4 club days. 22 students signed up for the club. They also went out inviting students individually. Our Bible students joined “Table Fishing” and worked as stewards. Our missionary co-workers were so joyful and strengthened as they worked together with Bible students who were willing and eager to serve invitation work. Our co-workers contacted each student through emails, text messages and phone calls, and several students began one to one Bible studies. Seneca college team served September campus fishing diligently. Particularly, the women coworkers got together at the center and prayed together and went out fishing on campus. They invited students and several students came to one to one Bible study faithfully.

VII) Disciple-raising works

On Saturday, UTSC students were invited to UTSC Bible house and had “Tyrannus Bible Fellowship.” They studied the Sunday passage so that they could better understand the Sunday message. They also shared their reflections and prayed together. Through this meeting, UTSC students grew in the words of God and participated in our Sunday worship service. Jessica, Jeany, Hannah and Becky were faithful participants and began inviting their friends to this meeting. So those who participated in Tyrannus Bible Fellowship have been studying the Bible twice a week, one through one to one and the other through this Tyrannus fellowship. Seneca students came together on Friday to Seneca Bible house and had a Bible study meeting, called “Upper Room Fellowship.” Sh. Louis Perdomo took leadership for this meeting. He served this meeting with compassion and care and everyone began to participate positively. Our second gens also joined taking turns to lead the group Bible study. They had group Bible study one week and reflection sharing meeting the other week alternatively. God has blessed the Upper Room and grew our students as stewards of God’s work.

VIII) CBF ministry

God has helped us to establish CBF ministry, organizing and arranging Bible study, worship, group activities and many other things. God has been using Louis Perdomon, Amanda Vance, Paul Jr., Hannah, as well as M. Esther and M. Rebekah. Along with their ages, we had two groups doing Bible study, praying, singing songs, coloring, doing arts and crafts, musical instrument performance. On Christmas day, we had CBF Christmas worship service where they presented musical performances, after hearing Christmas message. We have 10 CBF children growing vigorously and we pray that they can grow as good shepherds and Bible teachers in their generations.

Second, Vision and Strategy in 2015

This year, our ministry key verse is Isaiah 54:2, “Enlarge the place of your tent, stretch your tent curtains wide, do not hold back; lengthen your cords, strengthen your stakes.” To have clear goal and direction of this year, we will have New Year’s leader’s conference. We will focus on Bible study at this conference to review how Jesus has shepherded us and guided us, and to catch God’s great vision and clear direction. In 2015, our prayer topics are first, to let our young disciples grow as active stewards of God’s work so that all our church members work together in everything joyfully and wholeheartedly; second, to raise 12 new Bible teachers among our growing students, along with Johnny and Mark who served students with Bible study; third, to enrich and build up “Friday’s Upper Room” meeting and “Saturday’s Tyrannus” meeting so that these meetings may raise many other young campus students as disciples of Jesus Christ; fourth, to send short term and long-term missionaries to the mission frontlines around the world—for this, our church will make a very practical environment and support and encourage them both spiritually, physically and materially. May God help us to greatly enlarge the place of our tent in 2015. Amen.