Humber UBF Mission Report by Paulus Cha


Psalm 1:2 but whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law day and night.   

I. 2014 Review

Last year, holding on to Mark 9:23 as our key verse, our missionaries and students struggled hard to serve God’s mission with the power of faith. As I look back, I deeply realize how God led us based on his word. At times, we felt overwhelmed with the challenge which we faced but God helped us to remember him and overcome it by his power. We often found ourselves helpless in front of hard reality like the boy’s father but our good Lord Jesus always challenged us with his words, If you can? Everything is possible for him who believes. 

We started the year 2014 with a New Year resolution testimony on the first Sunday.   Then we studied the book of Ezra for 3 months followed by the book of Acts. God strengthens each of us greatly with his word. Especially, through the study of Acts, God helped us to learn about his powerful work in establishing his church through the Holy Spirit and God’s people’s sacrificial, yet joyful and powerful life of faith in fulfilling God’s world mission purpose. Having been renewed in our spirit, we challenged campus and served fishing and one to one Bible study. Our women missionaries gathered at campus every Wednesday faithfully to have fishing-prayer meeting. And our student leaders also joined in God’s ministry as partners; they served fishing ministry as well as serving their friends with Bible study. They brought many new students for meetings, Bible studies and worship services. To see our young students growing as coworkers in serving the gospel work was a great encouragement.

On April 5-6, we had a spring Bible retreat. God strengthened us greatly through our Bible retreat. Joseph delivered his message based on 2 Timothy 3:1-17 with the title, “You, Lovers of God” and M. David Lee served the second message based on Romans 12:1,2 with the title, “Be transformed.” The retreat was a little bit short and yet it was full of grace and power as we prepared it through much prayer. On July 4-6, we had the joint SBC. The title of the conference was “Repent and Believe” based on Mark 1:15 and all 8 chapters participated. God really blessed our conference as we offered two months of prayer dedication to serve the conference. As people’s hearts were touched by the word of God, some rejoiced and some cried. It was truly encouraging to see many young people who were listening to the messages which were mostly delivered by our young disciples. The conference site was such a nice place even for taking a rest both physical and spiritually. 

After the SBC, our students were growing deeply, through personal and deeper struggle with the word of God. God had grown our students as they shared their testimony with a sincere attitude at their team meeting on Friday; God also had grown them in servantship through their common life. God also established sisters’ group Bible study and helped our students to make a vessel of prayer. As our students were growing spiritually, God blessed our students to register a Bible study club, “Encounter” at Humber campus as a separate school activity, however, through serving GBS weekly, each one grew as a Bible teacher and steward. God blessed this Encounter club by sending 10-12 students each week.

God has also helped our missionary families to lay a firm foundation in serving God’s mission as layman Bible teachers. M. Timothy was found to have his leukemia reoccurring and was readmitted to hospital at the beginning of 2014.  It was not easy for him and for us since we had been praying for his full recovery. However, God was so gracious amid such a trial and God helped him to go through all chemo treatment successfully; now he is waiting for a bone marrow transplant. May God be gracious to him and his family and grant him full recovery accepting the prayers of many of God’s people.  Thank God for his wife M. Joanna’s and his three daughters’ enduring faith. God also blessed M. Isaac Lee’s business richly that now his company has more than 20 employees and also God blessed his family to move to a bigger house near the church last summer and blessed them to serve many students. Thank God for providing a daily provision for M. David Lee’s family faithfully and for using them as Bible teachers. M. Maria completed RPN studies (she studied as a part time student) at Humber and now she is waiting for a license exam in January and M. David is planning to start a business this year.

God also helped us to participate in world mission in various ways. M. Paulus and Wade attended CIS Summer Bible Conference as prayer servants. It was truly heart-moving to see our CIS coworkers’ sacrificial life of mission. As they struggled to sow the seed of gospel, God has blessed them by raising up many native young people as spiritual leaders. Joshua Kirkland who went to Taiwan originally for his school studies found a job in Singapore and joined God’s ministry there. In the fall, Shepherd Joshua Lee from Korea and Msn. Abraham and Sarah Hwang visited us after attending the Late Dr. Lee’s memorial service in Chicago. It was so encouraging for us to have a time of prayer with these precious servants. Msn. Abraham and Sarah Hwang attended our worship service and we were blessed to hear their graceful mission report. Dr. Paul and Sarah Hong also visited us in order to pray for Msn. Timothy Park in the hospital. They drove a long distance only to pray for M. Timothy Parka and we feel greatly indebted to their love. 


For 2nd gen ministry, M. David Lee served CBF worship service each Sunday morning. 2nd gen disciples served HBF children with 1:1 Bible studies and served our worship service in various ways: music, power point, praise.  In this way, they grew as coworkers and disciples of Jesus. Thank God for my 3 girls who are struggling to support us in their own way. Mary has been working full-time for 3 years after her graduation. Sarah graduated from her undergraduate studies and will start law school from Sept 2015 and Grace is in her 3rd year at university and studying hard to overcome her business school programs.

At the end of October, my wife, Mercy became sick suddenly with mild stroke, and it was another trial for us. However, God heard so many servants’ prayers and the effects of the stroke are gone, and she has been restored a lot.

In this situation, we were burdened in serving winter ministry and Christmas Worship Service, but as we depended on God through prayers, God blessed us to have our Christmas worship Service at Humber Campus with 47 people. And we ended the year 2014 with thanksgiving to God and new expectation for the New Year 2015.

II.     2015 Vision and Prayer topics

God has given me and us Psalm 1:2 as an annual key verse and it says but whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who mediates on his law day and night.”   

When I meditate on these words, I deeply recognize the importance of studying the word of God as the way to learn of Jesus and experience his power. I pray that God may help me and us to give our hearts fully in studying the word of God so that our lives can be full of life and we may experience God’s help and power as his blessed people. May God bless Humber campus pioneering work continually.

Prayer topics:

  1. To love the word of God based on Psalm 1:2.
  2. To preach the gospel diligently (40 1:1s, 40 SWS attendants)
  3. For fruitful disciple-raising ministry (12 disciples and 12 mothers of prayer, 12 house churches, 120 sheep)
  4. For each co-workers’ health (Timothy Park, Mercy Cha)