Midwest Staff Conference 2015

The Shepherd’s Heart

The U.S.A. UBF Midwest Region held a staff conference with the theme “The Shepherd’s Heart,” on Dec. 29-31, at Camp Wonderland, in Wisconsin. Thirty-five staff members and their spouses attended. Attendants also included younger intern staff members and Missionary Jonathan and Freida Reese, of Indonesia UBF.  They studied three Bible passages on the theme:  Psalm 72:78-80, Mark 6, and Philemon 1. Then, Missionary Paul Choi, of St. Louis UBF, gave a message on Philemon 1, emphasizing Paul’s shepherd heart to change a useless person into a useful person in God.  He shared his own life testimony of how he was changed from a dark and sinful artist to a shepherd for college students and a missionary to America, and finally, a well-trained shepherd for one campus, Washington University, in St. Louis. On the final day, staff members shared Bible testimonies and prayed for each other and their campuses.  Many staff members, such as Pastor Teddy Hembekides, confessed that they were greatly refreshed through the conference , could renew their shepherd heart for students, and  have new vision for one-to-one Bible study and disciple-raising ministry.

Lastly, the conference concluded with a planning meeting for the Midwest summer Bible conference to be held July 16-19, in Springfield, Illinois. Dr. John Lee, Jr., of Springfield UBF, will be hosting the conference. A committee of members from various Midwest chapters is planning the summer conference and is open to suggestions. Pastor Ron Ward, of Chicago UBF, gave closing announcements encouraging staff members to have a shepherd heart for American college students and to focus on fishing, one to one and disciple-raising ministry in the coming year.

By Yvonne Lee